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Meet Peggy O'Neal

I heard my first call when I was about 12; it was, “life doesn’t have to be this way.”

I could only make sense of that and how to live based in our current cultural context of separation.

Wanting to impact life in a positive way, I practiced law, including positions as an Assistant Attorney General and Arkansas State Purchasing Director for Bill Clinton when he was Attorney General and Governor, respectively. I also worked for the Federal Labor Relations Authority in President Clinton’s administration.

Later, with certifications from two coaching organizations, I facilitated the professional development of thousands of people, personally and professionally, all over the world.

Yet a gnawing, inexplicable dissatisfaction lingered and eventually precipitated drastic action; I closed my coaching business and sought employment elsewhere. It didn’t feel “right” to sell coaching services when I wasn’t happy.

In 2017 I immersed myself in the study of wisdom traditions and nondual teachings as well as the scientific studies that align with those understandings.

Embodying the wisdom that we actually are not separate, but one indivisible awareness, resolved my dilemma; I learned who I truly am and do my best to live in alignment with that knowing.

Now I guide others to know and live as who they truly are.

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© Peggy O’Neal

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