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Enrich Your Organization As You Enrich Our World

In the last few weeks we’ve all seen and/or experienced devastating horrors — people killing, maiming and mistreating one another. We’ve felt fear and shock and heartbreak as well as courage and empathy. No matter where we live or what our work is, we can influence where we go from here. In fact, it is up to each one of us. President Obama, Dallas Police Chief David Brown and many… Read More »Enrich Your Organization As You Enrich Our World

X-Factor Your Business by Exercising Wisdom

For the big decisions in life, you need to reach a deeper region of consciousness.  Making decisions then becomes not so much about ‘deciding’ as about letting an inner wisdom emerge. – Brian Arthur, economist and author of The Nature of Technology, quoted in Source: The Inner Path of Knowledge Creation, Joseph Jaworski, page 13. Business and Personal Cases for Becoming Wise Each of us has access to extraordinary, infinite, abundant and brilliant wisdom. … Read More »X-Factor Your Business by Exercising Wisdom

Welcome to Keep the Fire Burning

I believe that we all know who and how we’d truly like to be in this world, but that we don’t pause long enough to listen, explore and then live that way; or, we don’t trust that it’s possible.  The purpose of this blog is to support us all in becoming the human beings we’re longing to be for ourselves and for each other.  In that way, we can create… Read More »Welcome to Keep the Fire Burning

Our Innate Wisdom Can Guide Us

As I practiced focusing my intention on listening for guidance, things started getting interesting. Almost every day I walk outside; some days I plan what I will do that day or think about an upcoming meeting with a client. Most days, though, I invite my rational mind to rest and allow my intuitive self to be open and vigilant to whatever might want to come to me. Another way to think… Read More »Our Innate Wisdom Can Guide Us